Thozhar Venkatesan is a 2019 Indian Tamil drama film directed by Mahashivan. It stars Harishankar and Monica Chinnakotla in the lead roles, alongside a cast featuring predominantly newcomers. The film narrates the hardships faced by a family, when the breadwinner is hit by a government bus. Featuring music composed by Sagishna, the film was released on 12 July 2019.
The film marked the directorial debut of Mahashivan, who wrote the film based on real life experiences. Set in Kanchipuram, he chose to narrate a tale based on the problems caused by uninsured government buses. He cast Harishankar in the lead role, with the actor and his wife also producing the film. Telugu actress Monica Chinnakotla signed the film, and worked on the project alongside films such as Jiivi, Timeilla and Thottu Vidum. The film was presented by Mahashivan’s mentor, director Suseenthiran, who had earlier studied at the Film Institute with him.
Directed by Mahashivan
Produced by Madhavi Harishankar
Starring Harishankar, Monica Chinnakotla
Music by Sagishna Xavier
Cinematography Veda Selvam
Edited by Mahashivan & Rajesh Kanna
Production Kala Films
Distributed by VT Cinemas
Release date 12 July 2019
Country India
Language Tamil