Sembi is a 2022 Indian Tamil-language adventure drama film directed by Prabhu Solomon. The film stars Nila, Kovai Sarala, and Ashwin Kumar Lakshmikanthan, along with Thambi Ramaiah and Nanjil Sampath in other roles. The music was composed by Nivas K. Prasanna with cinematography by M. Jeevan and editing by Buvan. The film released theatrically on 30 December 2022 to highly positive reviews from critics.
Directed by Prabhu Solomon
Written by Prabhu Solomon
Produced by R. Ravindran, Ajmal Khan & Reyaa
Starring Nila, Kovai Sarala, Ashwin Kumar Lakshmikanthan, Thambi Ramaiah, Nanjil Sampath
Cinematography M. Jeevan
Edited by Buvan
Music by Nivas K. Prasanna
Production Trident Arts & AR Entertainment
Distributed by Red Giant Movies
Release date 30 December 2022
Country India
Language Tamil