Grandma is a 2022 Indian Tamil-language thriller film directed by Shijinlal and starring Sonia Agarwal, Vimala Raman and Pournami. It was released on 8 July 2022. The film was released on 27 May 2022 to limited cinema halls across Tamil Nadu, and then re-released on 8 July 2022 to a wider audience.
Directed by Shijinlal SS
Written by Shibi N
Produced by Jayaraj R & Vinayaka Sunil Kumar
Starring Sonia Agarwal, Vimala Raman, Pournami
Cinematography Yeshwanth Balaji K
Edited by Aswanth Raveendran
Music by Jecin George
Production GMA Films
Distributed by Action Reactions Films
Release date 8 July 2022
Country India
Language Tamil